
Strange Feeling

Isn’t it strange how u feel something for someone
you haven’t really met personally?…
Isn’t it strange how your feelings get stronger everyday
even if you knew it’s impossible to be with him?


  1. I truly never thought i would find my soulmate, to never find that one special person of my dreams, i was searching for a fairy tale, then I found them online, someone i hardly knew, someone i felt so close to but being so far away, we got to know each other online and grew from there, my feelings growing daily for her...Then i found myself loving her, asking myself how? she lived half a world away in another country so far away, and we never met, but i felt as i have know her forever, she knew when i was sad, sick, feeling blue, feeling upset, she would cheer me up with a smile, make me laugh doing anything to help me be happy, and my feelings kept growing. Along the way I realized she was the one I have searched my whole life for, that i have prayed and dreamed for, I wanted to spend the rest of my life with her, to marry her, to be with her forever and to grow older together, planning our life together, and we have never even meet in person yet...was it possible to truly love someone you never meet yet in person, never touched, never held or hugged or kissed yet? could i truly love and trust her with my heart, could I truly know someone from online that I never meet yet and still want to marry them and give all of my heart to yet?.....YES!!!!, i realized for me the answer was simple, YES!!!!, I truly found my true love in all of the most unlikely places ONLINE...someone who in the begining told me they could never love a foriegner, never move from their home country...but along the way we both fell in love with each other, she became my best friend, my soulmate, my finacee, the love of my life and heart, my true love, the woman of my dreams and prayers all answered in her, i have searched my whole life for her and finally found her half a world away..if not for GOD bringing us together and not for ONLINE we would have never met...is it possible to be with her? yes, no matter what,we are getting married, weather we live here or there it doesn't matter, home to me is with her no matter where it is at, my feelings keep growing stronger each day for her also, wanting so badly to be with her and to marry her NOW, have we meet yet? NO, but i know her, i trust her, my heart is truly hers, i believe in her and i love her truly with all of my heart...her name is Ria, and i am the luckiest man alive for her loving me and wanting me, soon we will be married and I thank GOD for bringing us together through the internet everyday...I love you Ria forever and always, I am yours forever my love.

  2. Strange is not permanent for anybody,it will be changed after some days.
