
Invisible String

Have you ever felt a connection to someone though you’re miles apart? Like an invisible string attached to one another…
Eventhough you’ve just met him, you somehow felt you have known him for a lifetime…
And though you’re not together you’re actually feeling him everywhere you go, every minute and every second of your day…

Heart Or Mind?

Will you follow your heart that kept on telling you that
you love him and you cannot live without him?…
Or will you follow your mind that kept on telling you that
you will be hurt the time you will be with him?…

Strange Feeling

Isn’t it strange how u feel something for someone
you haven’t really met personally?…
Isn’t it strange how your feelings get stronger everyday
even if you knew it’s impossible to be with him?

Savings Fund

A friend once asked me – “What is your financial plan? Are you starting to save for your retirement?”.. I was quite surprised coz I honestly really do not have a financial plan on hand, neither a retirement plan – nothing at the moment! And then my friend advised me all about savings fund – emergency fund, savings fund, and investment funds. My friend said an emergency fund should be shed FIRST and it should be pretty much equivalent to at least 3 months of my salary. It should be easily accessible in case I need it for emergency reasons. Then followed by the savings fund which should also be equivalent to my 3 months salary. This is where I should get funds if I want to travel, or simply buy a pair of shoes. Then LASTLY, the investment fund which I should use for generating additional income, putting up my own business, or saving up for my retirement.

Now I looked at my passbook… needless to say… I was ALARMED!… So, I only have a savings equivalent to my current three (3) months salary from my 11 and 1/2 years of hard work!!! I don't have extra savings for emergency, and for investments! Where did my money go? At this point, I told myself, I need to do something! I have to change the way I budget my money and I should come up with a savings plan! It is better late than never.

Okay now, I have come up with my 3-year savings plan. I divided my current savings into 3 parts:

Emergency Fund – 60% of my current savings will be shed to my emergency fund
Savings Fund – 20% of my current savings will go to my savings fund
Investment Funds – 20% of my current savings will be allocated to my investments

And now, my timetable starts here:
Year 1: March 2010 to Feb 2011 – I have to raise the lacking 40% to complete the 3 months equivalent salary for my emergency fund;

Year 2: March 2011 to Feb 2012 – This period will be alloted to complete the lacking 80% to my savings fund;

Year 3: March 2012 to Feb 2013 – Yes you are correct! this is for investments! I have 20% now and I have put it in mutual funds which will yield me a higher interest rate than parking it with the bank.

So, wish me luck with my 3-year savings plan.. I hope to follow my timetable which will be finished when I hit the age of 35! For everyone out there, better plan out while you are still young, and for those who are not so young, as I have said – better late than never!…

My Very First Personal Blog!

Hello world! This is my very first blog – http://mywritingtablet.blogspot.com

I am a newbie blogger and still exploring the blogging world, i find it kewl and a lot fun! I have put up this blog to share my thoughts, my opinion, my personal experiences, my favorite recipes, lyrics, totally uncovering the other side of me, and so much more!

Everybody is free to explore my blog! Happy reading! :)